Restarting After a 3-Year Hiatus: Finding My Voice Again

Hello everyone,

Isn’t it funny how life has a way of throwing so much at you all at once? The past few years have been packed with big changes and life lessons—enough to keep my mind racing with ideas to share here. And yet, I’ve struggled with the very thing I created this blog for : Sharing.

If I’m being honest, my long blogging hiatus wasn’t just about being busy. A big part of it was my hesitation to open up. I genuinely enjoy writing and sharing my thoughts and experiences, but it’s always been tricky finding the balance between protecting my privacy and telling my stories. Can you relate? It’s like I have all these lessons I’ve learned that I’d love to share, but the thought of oversharing makes me uncomfortable. And as someone who considers herself a storyteller, sharing without drawing from personal experiences feels… off.

Oh, and let’s not forget my constant blog hosting wahala! I’ve restarted this blog so many times because I couldn’t decide if I should keep it going or let it go. But here I am again, hoping this time will be different.

In a bid to figure things out, I thought it’d be a good idea to write down my thoughts.. Maybe someone reading this has it all figured out and can share some advice.

How do you balance being authentic and personal with maintaining boundaries? How do you share lessons without feeling like you’re oversharing?

This post, I hope, will also serve as the nudge I need to restart this blog and post more consistently. It’s been nearly three years since my last post, and I genuinely miss it. Writing has always been more than just a creative outlet for me. It’s a way to reflect, to see where my head was at a particular point in time, and to connect with others. And what better time to start fresh than at the beginning of a new year?

If you’re new to my blog or a past subscriber, I’d love for you to join me on this journey. Please resubscribe, as I’ve lost most of my subscribers during my many restarts. Maybe your support will be the push I need to share more consistently.

Here’s to new beginnings, renewed passions, and finding the courage to share—even if it’s just one small step at a time.

Wishing you all a fabulous year ahead!

2 responses to “Restarting After a 3-Year Hiatus: Finding My Voice Again”

  1. Fatimah Avatar

    Write without being too personal although it may be difficult


      Thank you for the advice. Striking the balance can be tricky like you said, but i’ll keep it in mind as I continue writing.


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